YouTube PRO

Grow Your YouTUBE Presence!

Now you can create YouTube Shorts to build your YouTube Channel presence to consistently share valuable content with your audience. You can attract more people to your channel, which ultimately helps increase the number of views on your long-form video content.

The biggest problem most organizations struggle with is how to produce enough meaningful video content to retain the attention of their audience. The most common complaint is, “It’s simply too time-consuming”. With our YouTube Shorts billboard strategy, we make the process easy by completing a 20 – 30 minute call.


Enough to Get Started

  • 3 YouTube Shorts per video
  • Format each short to work with Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Twitter
  • Add direct link to long form videos on Social Media using YouTube shorts
  • Link back to related full-length videos


Amplify Your Efforts

  • 5 YouTube Shorts per video
  • Format each short to work with Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Twitter
  • Add direct link to long form videos on Social Media using YouTube shorts
  • Link back to related full-length videos


How the Pros Do Content!

  • 10 YouTube Shorts total — from various long form videos
  • Format each short to work with Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Twitter
  • Add direct link to long form videos on Social Media using YouTube shorts
  • Link back to related full-length videos

What are YouTube Shorts?

YouTube Shorts essentially allow you to repurpose your original video content while extracting additional value of each video and adding impactful text overlays. Focusing on long-form video isn’t always great for your marketing budget. Longer videos and higher production values naturally lead to increased costs. Streamlining your production workflow can certainly help decrease expenses. But you’re likely to find that the minimum cost of a long-form video that fits your brand standards can only go so low.

By using a call to action in the description of each video short, you can redirect engaged viewers to the full-length videos. In addition, YouTube is now engineered to recommend your relevant long-form content to subscribers and viewers, even if they’ve only watched your short-form videos before.

Get Started with YouTUBE PRO

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